Is oversleeping or too much sleep harmful to your health?

Is oversleeping or too much sleep harmful to your health?


Have you ever considered whether getting too much sleep or oversleeping could be bad for your health? How much sleep is necessary to maintain good health and fitness? Then, the answers to your queries about oversleeping and sleep are provided here. A normal individual needs 7-8 hours of proper rest each day. After 7-8 hours, our body clock  finally wake us up on its own, but if you’re oversleeping and your body clock isn’t waking you up, something is wrong. Your health depends heavily on sleep, but what about oversleeping? No, it may be harmful to your well-being. To begin, let’s find out what causes you to oversleep.

What are the causes for oversleep?

If you regularly sleep for more than nine hours, you are
oversleeping. It is ok if once in a while you are oversleeping , but if it has
become a habit, you must stop. One may oversleep or experience excessive sleep
for a variety of causes. Sleep  Apnea is the main cause. Sleep apnea is a
type of narcolepsy, a neurological disorder that affects the area of the brain
in charge of controlling sleep. Which means you are unable to acquire a full
eight hours of sleep each night because of sleep interruptions. Hypersomnia is
the other medical problem. Regardless of how much sleep a person gets,
hypersomnia makes them feel exhausted and sleepy all day. In addition to these
two medical disorders, there may be additional causes of excessive sleep, such
as stressful lifestyles and rising instances of depression. Another common
reason for people to oversleep is depression and stress. Oversleeping is also a
result of laziness, worry, anxiety, weakness, and boredom. Learn more about
overcoming daytime sleepiness.

Now that you are aware of the cause of your excessive sleepiness, let’s look at how it affects your health.

Negative Effects of Oversleeping on Health

  • You’ve probably heard that too much of something is bad. Oversleeping is similarly unhealthy and harmful to your health. Oversleeping is defined as sleeping for longer than 7-8 hours per night. Oversleeping has several negative health effects that you may not even be aware of. The health concerns listed below are more likely to impact people who sleep over 7-8 hours per day.
heavy head or headache due to oversleeping
  • Have you ever noticed that you typically get a heavy head when you first wake up? That is a result of your excessive sleep. According to research, oversleeping alters some neurotransmitters in the brain, which causes headaches and a heavy feeling in the head.
  • According to a study, persons who oversleep or sleep more than nine hours each day are more likely to acquire diabetes than those who receive the recommended 7-8 hours of sleep each night. 
obese due to oversleeping
  • A research has demonstrated that excessive daytime sleepiness can lead to obesity. In comparison to those who sleep for seven to eight hours and have healthy lifestyles, those who sleep for more than nine hours and engage in less physical activity are more likely to become obese.
  • A study that was reported in the American Academy of Sleep Medicine claims that taking too much sleep increases the risk of cardiovascular problems and chronic illnesses. Women who sleep for between 9 and 11 hours per night are more likely to develop heart illnesses and other cardiac issues.
cardiovascular disease due to oversleeping
backpain due to oversleeping
  • Your back may become compressed from getting too much sleep, which intensifies back pain. Your back pain must have confused you, especially when you first woke up. After waking up, you experience back stiffness and pain when trying to straighten your back. Your excessive sleepiness is the main reason for the back pain. If you already experience chronic back pain, you must be careful of your sleep habits because oversleeping might make your discomfort worse.
  • Numerous studies have demonstrated that oversleeping increases the risk of premature death. According to a University of California study, those who sleep for longer than nine hours typically pass away at a young age.

“Although getting the right amount of sleep is crucial, sleeping too little or too much can be harmful to your health. Please do not mess with your body clock and take your sleep cycle extremely seriously. Try to go to bed and wake up at the proper times. Using alarm clocks is optional. Following the routine will help you set your body clock and establish the right sleeping patterns. Consult a doctor if you continue to experience issues because they could be caused by a medical illness. Take care of your sleeping schedule now that you know the answer to the question, “Is oversleeping bad for your health?””

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